
Top 16 Trending New Year's Resolutions Of 2023

by Note with Love Team - Dec 30, 2022
Top 16 Trending New Year's Resolutions Of 2023 banner.webp

New year is the best time to pen down resolutions that can change our lives for the better. But how do you decide on your resolutions? Well you should consider your likings, your lifestyle and your vision of a better you. You can also take inspiration from others. So here I have listed some top trending new year's resolutions of 2023 for you to get motivated.

1. Help out at an animal shelter

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Want to make an impact in your community this year? Consider lending your time and energy to help as a volunteer at an animal shelter. There are numerous opportunities to help animals in need at these shelters. You can help take care of cats or dogs by feeding them in the kitchen, taking them for walks on a leash, and cleaning up after them. In addition to helping animals, volunteering can be a gratifying and stress relieving for  you. 

2. Set aside some money - even if it's only $50

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Every week, put aside some cash, even if it's just a little bit. Increasing your savings is a crucial financial goal because it can help you reach your long-term goals and act as a safety net in case of unforeseen expenses. You can start saving as little as $50 per week.

Another way to ensure your financial future is to cut unnecessary spending. You can start by reducing your impulse buying. Some may suggest you to surrender your credit cards. But I think that's a little extreme. Right?

3. Visit a different beach every month

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If you're looking for creative and adventurous ideas to keep as new years resolutions, how does taking a monthly trip to a different beach sound?  Around the world, there are countless jaw-dropping beaches, each with its own distinct ecosystem and breathtaking scenery. Whether you live near the coast or have to travel there, you never know what incredible encounters and adventures lie just off these shores!

4. Exercise, lose weight - Be a healthier me

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One potential New Year's resolution could be to focus on becoming a healthier version of yourself. Avoid what social media has to say in health and wellness. Healthier doesn't mean starving yourself. This entails healthy alterations to lifestyle and habits that are good for one's physical and mental health, like working out frequently, eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and learning stress management techniques.

5. Become a mentor to someone new

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If you are an expert in a field, one way to have a positive impact on the world is to mentor someone who is just starting out. As a mentor, you can assist them in gaining a new skill, expanding their network, and boosting their self-confidence. The mentor-mentee relationship might take some time to form but it's a rewarding experience to have.

6. Keep an everyday gratitude journal

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Start a gratitude journal this year to cultivate a positive outlook and discover daily joy. This can be a physical journal or a calendar-syncing app. Every day, set aside some time to think about and list your blessings starting from professional accomplishments to a hot cup of coffee in the morning. In times of adversity, it can be helpful to keep a gratitude journal to remind yourself of the positive aspects of your life.

7. Visit one state you've never been to before

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What if you decided to visit a state you have never been to as one of your new years resolutions? You can try new things and explore the neighborhood's attractions, like going to a different park or restaurant. Step outside your comfort zone and take your family on an adventure to a new location. Pools, indoor parks, historical sites, and remodeled museums are just a few of the options to embrace new adventures and create lasting memories.

8. Get more sleep

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Set getting enough sleep a priority. Spending too much time on technology, scrolling through social media feeds, or working late into the night has become a norm. This year make it a goal to get rid of those under-eye bags. To do this, create a comfortable bedtime routine and make a conscious effort to wind down and relax before going to bed each night.

9. Host a game night with friends once a month — with no electronics in sight!

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Hosting a game night with friends is one of the most intriguing New Years resolutions because it enables you to spend quality time with loved ones while also getting away from screens and technology. Our phones and other devices constantly ping us with notifications and other distractions, which can make us feel overburdened and stressed. So switching off electronics not only helps to reduce stress but also fosters better mental health and personal growth.

10. Give back to society with each pay cheque

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Giving back to society brings more peace than anything else. Make an effort to do something with every paycheque, even if it's just feeding one homeless person, volunteering your time, or contributing money to a good cause.

11. Try meditation once a day — even just for five minutes

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The practice of meditation, which is simple but effective, has many positive effects on both your physical and mental well-being. It can lessen anxiety and stress while fostering focus and concentration. Additionally, it might result in other healthy changes in the body. If you've never meditated before, try some guided meditations online to get a feel for the process before starting out on your own.

12. Keep a daily list of one accomplishment you're proud of

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Make it a daily ritual to note down one thing you're proud of yourself. Anything that makes you feel good about yourself counts, whether it's big or small. You can increase your creativity and perspective on life by concentrating on your successes rather than fretting about what other people think of you. And then, at the end of the year, you can go back and read these notes about yourself, which will undoubtedly give you a pat on the back. 

13. Limit your weekly alcohol intake to one drink

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Although moderate alcohol consumption is generally regarded as safe, excessive alcohol use can have detrimental effects on your health. One drink a week maximum can help lower your risk of developing alcohol-related health issues like cancer and liver damage. If you still want to make room for the occasional drink, you can keep track of how much you consume and make adjustments as necessary. Limiting your alcohol intake can be a quick and easy way to boost your health and well-being.

14. Give someone a genuine compliment

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Make it a regimen to truly complement people each day. What better way is there to spread happiness and make someone's day better than giving them a compliment? Taking the initiative to wholeheartedly compliment someone can help build connections and foster a sense of belonging, whether it's a coworker, friend, family member, or even a stranger.

15. Take up a yoga class three times a week

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Yoga is a fantastic way to get in shape while also improving your mental health. Not only to lose weight or be fit, but Yoga can also assist you in de-stressing and calming down, and there are many different classes offered to accommodate various fitness levels, thus making it accessible to people of all ages. 

16. Learn something new every week

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Seeking out fresh challenges and learning opportunities on a regular basis is a great way to keep your new year's resolutions. Try to be ascertained to discover a wide range of topics to broaden your knowledge and skills, whether it be through technical skills like programming or design, or more creative endeavors like music. Seize every chance that comes your way.

Concluding thoughts

Well I hope you have made up your mind about your new year's resolutions. If you are worried you might fail sticking to them like last year, here are some tips to make it easy for you to come out as a winner.

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I hope your day is as fabulous as you are! Much love and many smooches.
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