
How To Say I Am Sorry From The Heart

by Note with Love Team - Sep 29, 2023
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Ever questioned why it seems to be the hardest to apologize and make amends? I believe that the art of apologizing teaches us to accept responsibility for our deeds, admit our faults, and face our own frailty.

Saying sorry makes us uneasy. Faced with our inner demons, we become uncomfortable. However, it’s one of the best ways to mend broken bonds and move past errors of the past.

Today’s article will look at genuine heartfelt apologies and how to convey them with the utmost sincerity and grace. If you’ve ever had trouble saying you’re sorry in heartfelt messages, writing apology emails, or want to learn how to, then read on.

Why Saying sorry is hard?

Photo by Jesse Bray on Pexels

Saying sorry can be a hard pill to swallow. Most of the time, our ego and pride get in the way, cause us to feel attacked, and make us resentful of having to admit mistakes. Being human, we tend to view acknowledging a mistake as a sign of weakness.

Another reason we agonize over a simple apology is vulnerability. We often have a fear of being exposed. Making ourselves vulnerable to disapproval or criticism from others makes us believe we lack competence. The real demon in this situation is the realization that we all have flaws.

In addition, there are many misunderstandings about apologizing, which makes it difficult to admit our mistaken role in a given circumstance. To make matters worse, rather than making amends, we distance ourselves from the person we may have unintentionally hurt.

Steps to say sorry

  • Recognize your mistake: The first step is to admit your error and the hurt you may have caused the other person. The best course of action is to avoid making excuses or shifting blame to others. And, of course, be compassionate. 
  • Take ownership of your actions: Now that you’ve admitted your error, it’s time to accept accountability for your deeds. It’s an essential step in the process of offering a sincere apology. Taking responsibility does not end with an apology. To avoid repeating the same mistakes, you must alter your behavior. To regain their trust, you must stick to your word and do better.
  • Express regret: While offering a sincere apology, remorse must be expressed. The fact that you acknowledge the hurt your actions have caused other people can go a long way toward helping them move past the trauma. It shows your sincerity and the depth of your affection for the person.
  • Make amends: Saying you’re sorry also means you want to make things right, so make amends. Allow the other person to express their emotions, and pay attention to any expectations they may have of you. Or you could just ask them what you can do to help them make amends.
  • Promise to do better: As always, remember that deeds speak louder than words. Therefore, when you apologize, be sure to promise to improve, both to yourself and to the other person. And keep your word. Sometimes, an apology may not be enough, but your future actions can help them heal in the long term.
  • Don’t count on forgiveness: The only thing left is to ask for forgiveness. However, it is up to the other person to forgive and forget in order to accept an apology. They have the right to process the situation at their own pace. So, you should not expect them to immediately accept apology and respect their decision.
  • Learn from your mistake: Finally, for your own good, learn from your mistakes. Never let your ego or pride convince you that you can’t grow as a person. We’re all flawed, and that’s fine.

Essentials of an apology message

Choose the right time and place

If you’re not writing heartfelt messages, your apology’s impact may vary greatly depending on when and where you say it. Pick a time and a place where you can talk privately without being interrupted. Give the person you are sorry for the time and space to accept apology and react appropriately to you.

If you feel nervous, write what you want to say on paper before the meet.

Start with a genuine and direct apology

It is said that it takes art to apologize honestly. When apologizing, it’s crucial to consider your words and tone. Keep your tone neutral and non-aggressive; otherwise, the other person might feel attacked or ignored. Be clear and succinct in your communication, and refrain from downplaying or minimizing the consequences of your actions.

Show ownership of the mistake by using “I” statements

To take responsibility for your error when you apologize, use “I” statements. By doing so, you’ll be able to show your sincerity and awareness of the consequences of your actions.

Don’t make excuses or assign blame. You are more likely to be heard and understood if you frame your statements in a way that centers on your own feelings and sincerity.

Be specific about what you’re sorry for

Don’t beat around the bush when apologizing. Be specific about what you’re apologizing for. Avoiding the problem won’t help in this case. Going back and forth on the main point, the chances of misunderstanding increase.

Finish with a pledge to do better in the future

Finally, always end your apology email or I am sorry messages with a promise to better yourself. Remember that saying sorry with no change is just another form of manipulation that, in the long run, causes irreparable harm to our relationships.

Casual apology messages

  • I am truly sorry for how I behaved last time. I’m sorry if I came across as rude. There was no intention of doing so on my part. I am sorry for hurting you.
  • I am so sorry for getting involved in this argument. I apologize for acting insensitively and failing to treat you with respect. Can we talk about it and figure this out?
  • Hey, I just wanted to apologize for the earlier incident. My bad! Can we talk about it and clear things up?

View more casual apology messages

Sorry messages for small inconveniences

  • I apologize for interrupting your speech at today’s meeting; I will make certain that this does not happen again.
  • I apologize to everyone for making them late while I was here.
  • I am truly sorry for the delay. I’m hoping we can reschedule the meeting and find a time that suits everyone.

View more "I am sorry" messages

Sorry messages for lying to someone

  • I sincerely apologize for lying to you. Regretting it terribly. I understand I betrayed your trust and caused you emotional damage. I want to make things right, and I’m willing to go to any lengths to win your trust back. Please be assured that I value our relationship and am committed to being honest with you moving forward.
  • I am sorry for hurting you. And for not telling you the whole truth. I know that trust is the keystone of any healthy relationship, and I am also aware that I have called that trust into question. Today, I promise to be open and sincere with you moving forward, and I want to re-establish our partnership on solid ground.

Sorry messages for when you have hurt someone deeply

  • I apologize for hurting you with all the harsh words I used during our argument. Although I was irritated and angry, it doesn’t make up for how I treated you. Sorry. Sincerely for the hurt my words have caused you.
  • I am truly sorry for being absent when you needed me. I am sorry for hurting you and not being encouraging or helpful in any way. If there’s something I could do to help or if you would prefer to talk about what transpired further, kindly let me know.
  • I am so sorry about how I have been treating you lately. My lack of communication, crankiness, and distance - I am aware of all these. Trust me, I don’t want to act in this way in this relationship, nor is it fair to you. I promise you I will put in the effort necessary to strengthen both our relationship and myself.

View more emotional apology messages

Apology messages for wrongdoing

  • So sorry for the error I made in the task file. I am aware that it had detrimental effects on the team and the project.
  • I want to accept accountability for my deeds and take the necessary steps to put things right.
  • I am so sorry for the silly mistake. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help resolve the issue and win back the project.
  • My deepest apology for deceiving the team. I know I committed a major error that caused great harm to our team’s reputation.
  • I fully accept responsibility for my actions. I’m willing to accept whatever consequences I have in store.

Formal apology messages

  • I’m writing this to express my heartfelt regret for the error that occurred during the product delivery. It was a mistake on my part, and I regret it caused problems for our company. Please give me a second chance to earn your forgiveness and trust.
  • I sincerely apologize for the last few weeks’ subpar work performance. I have failed to meet deadlines and deliver reports on time, which has caused me to lose some dependable clients.

View more formal apology messages


It’s difficult to express regret or say sorry. But, if I am sorry messages are enough to repair our relationships, both formal and informal, then why not? These messages or apology emails don’t make us weak, but refusing to accept our faults does. Remember, to make amends, there is never a bad time.

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