
11 New Year's Resolution Ideas For 2024 That You Cannot Fail

by Note with Love Team - Jan 10, 2024
11 New Year's Resolution Ideas For 2024 That You Cannot Fail blog banner.webp

It's almost that time of the year when we make lists of ideas for new year's resolution and never touch thouch lists again. Year to year this goes on like an endless cycle.

So what is resolutions? It's the decision of being determined to accomplish something regardless.

Did your 2023 goals or resolution for new year was limited to the lists as well? Do you find it ironic that you invested so much effort in setting 2023 goals and then got busy? How about deciding to make this year different? Dare I say that following the New Year resolutions should be your first resolution, to begin with? New year new you, right?

Now if you're determined to follow your resolutions this year and need some suggestions for the rest of your resolutions; then, it's the time to shop for ideas for new year's resolution

Here, I have compiled a list of 11 New Year resolutions that you cannot fail in 2024. So, if you're really into setting new goals for new year 2024, go ahead and explore all the ideas.

Get into Sports - Golf or Tennis?

As a new year resolution, consider engaging in some weekly sport that will completely detach you from the workload of the whole week.

Photo by Nathan Nedley on Pexels

Along with burning calories and strengthening your muscles, sports can improve your mood. Activities like golf or tennis can be quite exciting, as well as social, enhancing your enjoyment and well-being.

Try at least one sport every week; if not both, I promise the effort will be worth it, and you'll find it rewarding.

Nurture your Passion - Start a podcast or blog

Dive into your passion by starting a podcast or blog, where you can share your thoughts, insights, and stories.

Photo by Magda Ehlers on Pexels

Podcasts are excellent for engaging with a like-minded audience through an audio format, while a blog can serve as your personal reflection space. You can connect with a diverse audience through both mediums, either by speaking or writing from your heart.

Nowadays, both options are lucrative. Apart from the potential for earnings, these pursuits can add a sprinkle of happiness to your monotonous life twice a week.

Take a self-defense or martial arts class

Let's be honest, 2023 has proven to be a year we didn't anticipate. The rise of various atrocities worldwide makes you think twice before stepping out. This new year, set a goal to take a self-defense or martial arts class for your own safety.

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Just like driving or swimming, self-defense is a valuable skill that equips you to handle potential dangers. It is critical to recognize the world's uncertainties and equip ourselves with the skills to defend and navigate through them. 

Learn a new language

Did you know that more than 43% of the population is bilingual, with an additional 17% being multilingual? In other words, almost half of all people on the planet speak multiple languages.

If you are not already not multilingual, I suggest you learn a new language this year.

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Not only will this improve your communication abilities, but it will also expose you to other cultures, opinions, and possibilities. Furthermore, learning a new language always gives you an edge in your professional sector.

Craft a Vision Board

Making a vision board that includes your goals, objectives, and wishes is a powerful tool for clarifying your aspirations, motivating you to take action, and reinforcing your feeling of purpose.

Photo by Polina Zimmerman on Pexels

Remember your attention will draw similar things to you. Gather supplies like a board, magazines, scissors, glue, and markers before you get started. Along with handwritten notes or drawings, scoop up words, phrases, or images that speak to you and arrange them artistically on the board. To ensure that you are reminded of your goals every day, place this visual depiction in a seen place, such as your study table or work desk.

Host a Monthly "Mind Feast" Dinner

Gather your favorite folks once a month for a "Mind Feast" Dinner. This is about a clever potluck of ideas, set off from typical dinner!

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The rule is all bring a book, a podcast, or an innovative idea that has completely changed their lives. No small talk, only meaty, mind-expanding talks or clash of ideas over delicious food and laughs.

Imagine it as a quirkier cafe where ideas flow, opinions differ, and knowledge gets served with a side of freshly prepared lasagna. Indeed, a monthly brain buffet!

Weekends of "Tech Detox"

Consider making a New Year's resolution to spend weekends tech-free this year. Sayonara, screens, and welcome, real life!

Photo by Tyler Lastovich on Pexels

I would recommend that at least 48 hours should be free of screens. If not every weekend, you should definitely try once every month and then do this more often like twice every month.

Put the phone in a locker, get a nice book, go for a stroll in the park, and grab some classic board games. Your weekend, your rules—no need for Wi-Fi! 

Connect with the folks you've unintentionally ghosted

Rekindle lost friendships by reaching out to folks you foolishly ghosted. Messages pile up, life gets busy, and at times relationships end accidentally. Send anything, anything at all— a kind note, apologizing for the oversight, or a flower bouquet expressing a sincere desire to make up for lost time, just send it.

Photo by ELEVATE on Pexels

Who knows, you could possibly revive an old friendship. Smile, break the ice, and let them know how you didn't plan to lose sight but life happens.

Volunteer for a cause you care about

This comes to our lists time and again. Because giving back to a cause you are passionate about is always rewarding. It's a win-win situation in which you benefit yourself while also having a beneficial impact on the planet.

Photo by Marta Ortigosa on Pexels

Volunteering also entails picking up new skills, making new friends, and dealing with experiences that can change your life. It may be a day spent volunteering at an environmental preservation organization, foster care for animals, or anything else. It doesn't always have to be anything physical; you may take part in internet campaigns to help raise money for charity or to raise awareness.

Community skill swap

New year new goals isn't just about personal experience. With this resolution, you can make 2024 a year of shared growth.

Photo by Dio Hasbi Saniskoro on Pexels

Collaborate with friends, neighbors, and other community members to share knowledge as well as talents. Whether you're an accomplished chef, language instructor, paint artist, or DIY champion, share your knowledge and welcome the opportunity to pick up new skills from others.

By encouraging relationships and diversity, this spirit of collaboration turns the community into a thriving hub of shared talents.

Prepare an adventure box

Love travelling? An adventure box that comes with a travel destination as a resolution for new year may add surprise and discovery to your routine.

Photo by Porapak Apichodilok on Pexels

Make an adventure box out of a lot of papers in which you put the names of various places you want to see or travel for a day just to enjoy some quiet time. Then, once a month, pick up a paper and plan a trip to the location specified in the paper.

Every month, go to at least one new site. Always remember to turn off any beeps and pings when you're seeking to relax. You may even enroll a buddy in this resolution to make it a shared activity.


These goals for new year are intended to uplift and transform, from establishing a good mentality to adopting a healthier lifestyle. The trick is to set feasible goals, nurture self-compassion, and enjoy the process of the change. Aim for progress rather than perfection.

So, in 2024, grasp the opportunity to live a more satisfying and meaningful life. Accept these resolutions as stepping stones toward a brighter, better, and more accomplished version of yourself. Here's to new year new you and the best year of our lives. Happy New Year!

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